Releasing the Happiness Within

Releasing the Happiness Within

May 20, 2016 in Self Help by Rob Power
Written for Dr. Mark Rowe

Releasing the Happiness Within

Pause for a moment and ask yourself this question…

How many people do I know that are genuinely thriving in happy, fulfilling, and purposeful lives? It’s not that easy to think of candidates who fit the criteria is it? The disappointing reality is that even if you reckon 3 out of 10 in your network fit the bill, then you are enjoying an above average share of highly positive people in your life. Research has found that only about 20% of people see themselves as flourishing, or living close to their optimum potential. Unfortunately the other 80% identify as living a great deal less fruitfully than they know they are capable of.

The problem is the human brain is not hardwired for happiness, but for survival. Happiness should manifest itself as a bonus when the needs of survival have been met. However, modern society presents us with so many challenges, so much negativity, and in such a perpetually distracting way, that it is my belief that happiness and fulfilment are no longer optional extras, but essential needs to be cultivated to ensure our wellbeing and that of those around us.

The good news is that there are simple methods to train ourselves to develop happiness boosting habits. Adopting this approach won’t just impact on how we feel, our physical health, and our wellbeing; but it also contributes greatly to our ability to become successful in our lives. Of course success is subjective, it means different things for different people, but regardless of whether your idea of success pertains to career, relationships, health, or productivity; maintaining a positive outlook is an important first step in the right direction to achieving your full potential. And be assured that the contagious nature of positivity will guarantee that you will be surprised by countless other benefits when you bring your happiness into all your day to day interactions.

It is my belief that happiness and fulfillment are no longer optional extras, but essential needs to be cultivated to ensure our wellbeing and that of those around us.

As humans we enjoy the most satisfaction when we are engaged in positive relationships, have meaningful productivity, and a sense of purpose and accomplishment. In the end, we are greatly affected by what we do, and by extension we are more affected by what we do every day, than those things we rarely find the time to do. The smallest of actions exceeds the noblest of intentions. What this means is that we must endeavour to take action on those things we wish to do, simply dwelling on the idea of them isn’t enough, and can indeed have negative effects on us as we develop a tension between what we think, and what we do.

Beneficial behaviours can become just as habitual as destructive ones so each of us can empower ourselves by building habits such as expressing gratitude, exercise, and embracing realistic optimism. But we must make that choice to take action, embrace the belief that the potential for everyday happiness lies within each and every one of us. Releasing this potential will provide you with more balance and harmony, and it is this foundation that can truly provide a platform for success, and for a life of significance.

For more on releasing the happiness within and the small choices that make big changes, visit