September 19, 2016 in Self Help by Rob Power

Our ability to maintain momentum in the face of adversity is such an important factor in ensuring that we get the most out of life. The vigour of our resilience can often be the difference between achieving a goal, or falling at the hurdles that we meet along the way. However, it is vital to recogni [...]

August 18, 2016 in Self Help by Rob Power

Accepting that you can't change the past, or other people's perceptions of you, but that you can change your own attitude and view of the world. Accept and embrace every experience in life, the good and not so good, as an opportunity to grow. Accept that you have the power to choose how you [...]

May 20, 2016 in Self Help by Rob Power

The problem is the human brain is not hardwired for happiness, but for survival. Happiness should manifest itself as a bonus when the needs of survival have been met. However, modern society presents us with so many challenges, so much negativity, and in such a perpetually distracting way, that it i [...]

April 21, 2016 in Self Help by Rob Power

To use a sporting analogy, life can be considered a game of two halves. The first half is so often suffused with chasing something - better grades at school and at college, leading to bigger jobs, better careers and bulkier bank balances. Much needs more, bigger is better, even more is even better. [...]

February 22, 2016 in Self Help by Rob Power

We are wired to experience pleasure when we perform at, or close to, the best of our abilities – peak experience through peak performance. Through giving ourselves the opportunity to perform at our best, we can engender profound changes in our overall wellbeing. Through entering these states of flow [...]